Every Sunday we pass this Roman Catholic Church on our way to Church. Its not a holiday and its not the only Catholic church in town, yet all of its services are standing room only. The Polish people are gripped by Roman Catholicism, to be Polish is to be Catholic and when one becomes a follower of Jesus Christ they risk being ostracized by family and the community. The priests themselves are often the root of this pressure. The RCC has lulled us to sleep in the States. It seems so toothless and benign. As a result certain "evangelicals" have intiated fellowship again with the very church that spilled the blood of thousands of martyrs for hundreds of years. You see "that church" clearly in countries outside of the U.S. The fearmongering, the greed, the control, all out in the open. Often when a protestant work is financially struggling, the RCC steps in and grants them freedom to use their facilities on the condition that their priests speak on occasion. The tentacles reach out, grab their prey and squeeze out the Gospel.
The priests here in town have openly forbade their people from attending the "Baptist" Church in town. We are a cult and to be avoided at all costs. Their financial backing and sheer numbers could be a paralyzing fear if not for Christ's promise in Matthew 16 "I will build my Church." That promise is foundational to our ministry here in Poland. Praise the Lord for what he is doing in Siedlce, there were almost fifty in church today, including one family battling the very pressure I've just mentioned. There will be a baptismal service in a few weeks for four who have repented and come to Christ. He is building His Church here through the Layers' ministry and we are chomping at the bit to lift up their hands and assist in the ministry here. Many of you have been saved from the grip of Roman Catholicism, share with us here how the power of the Gospel broke the chains of sin for you.
Dear Pastor and Ginger,
Joyce & I will be faithfully praying for you and Ben & Sarah as you as you labour to build God's church there in Poland.
1 Corinthians 15:58 came to my mind as I was reading your letter, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
I can't emagine how difficult it will be for you to learn a different language but as God promises in the above verse we know that your labour will not be in vain.
Give our love to the children, tell them that Mr. & Mrs. Jackson think about them all the time. We really miss all of you.
With our Love'
Don & Joyce
WOW...I will be praying for you all! I was "originally" raised in a catholic world, until my parents came to know Christ when I was about 3. Both of mom and dad's families are VERY catholic and it is SO heartbreaking to see the blindness to the truth. I will be praying! (I love the updates:)
Prayers, Dana
It is always comforting to remember that though Satan will win some battles (with God's allowing), God will win The War! Keep up the good work and positive attitude--that alone will allow you to overlook these seemingly impossible challenges!
One of my favorite things about moving "south" to North Carolina is that there are many more Baptist churches than Catholic--I was so used to seeing Catholic churches everywhere--it was comforting to see them uncommon here, though I know that comfort is only a "false" sense of comfort, as Catholicism dominates so many countries. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you study the language, and I am so anxious to hear how much more quickly your children "pick up" on the language and become "used," to be witnesses!
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